bursaries and scholarships with Noble Manhattan Coaching
Like any good university or college, Noble Manhattan Coaching provides Bursaries and scholarships to our prospective coaching students.
The scholarship is not a loan. It is an amount that is donated by the company towards your registration on one of our coach training programs, covering partially the tuition fee in order to assist the student financially in achieving his desired coaching education and qualification.
What Is a Bursary?
Bursaries are usually based on financial need rather than academic merit; they support students from low-income backgrounds or experiencing financial hardships.
They are generally non-competitive and may also be described as ‘awards’.
The Noble Manhattan Bursary when granted, will simply act as a further deduction from the tuition fee for your chosen coach training course or program. And it is in addition to other discounts or promotions if there are any running. And therefore must be obtained prior to your registration.
Available Discretionary Funds & Scholarships / Bursaries
- They are granted after assessing the individual needs and circumstances of each individual student.
When we give a scholarship discount to someone, its amount depends not only on the information in the submitted application. It also depends on the funds we have at the moment.
- The scholarships will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis, in the order in which the applications have been received.
- As soon as the remaining scholarship fund is distributed and depleted, the opportunity to accept more applications will be closed.
How to Apply
We have a streamlined system to try to ensure that bursary applications and payments are as simple as possible and happen automatically for those who are eligible, based on household income.
If you have been waiting for the right time to start on the path of professional coaching, and financial support is important to you, then this invitation is for you.
Submit your application and apply for a scholarship today.
Applying is easy:
- Fill in the scholarship form
- Send it back to noble-manhattan @ europe-ce-net
- Talk to you on the phone and
- After our conversation, in a few days, our team will give you feedback on how much you can be granted.
- Important: These steps must be completed prior to your registration, and before you sign your student registration form enrolling you in one of our courses.
You can download the scholarship application form here.
Download it, fill it out and send it to us.
Submitting your Bursary Application does not oblige you with anything. You will just see what you can expect as a possible scholarship. And you will be able to estimate how much this would help you with the tuition fee for your chosen training program with Noble Manhattan Coaching, delivered by Palitri International as the Official Noble Manhattan Master Distributor for the countries of Bulgaria, Greece and the Balkans Region – https://europe-ce.net
If you have questions:
- Call + 359-876-426-929
- Write to noble-manhattan@europe-ce.net
- Or make an appointment for a virtual coffee conversation via zoom https://calendly.com/noble-manhattan/coffee-with-katrin
Accreditation for Prior Learning (APL)
We also recognize already acquired coaching skills, regardless of the training provider. This can further influence both the academic and financial parameters of your offer. If you want to apply for recognition of acquired coaching skills, write to us so that we can send you the relevant APL form, email: noble-manhattan@europe-ce.net