Welcome to the Practitioner Coach Diploma Course
If you are new to coaching, this course is the ideal vehicle to achieve your coaching aspirations. You will engage in the development of fundamental knowledge together with the practical application and demonstration of essential coaching skills. Whatever your ultimate goal, the solid knowledge and skills base acquired through the Practitioner course is vital to any form or arena of coaching.
What others have to say…
“Diploma Program of Noble Manhattan is intended for people who want to use coaching skills in their current profession and for those who want coaching to become their profession.
This virtual platform allows freedom in the organization of learning, but also has the ability to exercise and enough additional attendance learning. Mentors of Noble Manhattan are of the highest professional level and are an inspiration to learners coaches.
The most valuable training in this program was that I learned to reflect on ourselves and work according to a preset plan for development, which inevitably led to me growing up as a coach and learning many new and valuable skills.”
Boryana Karaboycheva
“Thank you, Gerard!
1 day spent with you and I am a different person! Brave and motivated all of a sudden, energetic and full of ideas, willing to work and to learn new things!
Your training was like Tsunami- it blew away so many of my limiting beliefs!!! I gave myself a promise that within 1 year from now I will be running my own business and you will be proud as my inspiring coach and teacher!
I am so lucky to meet you- now I have the feeling and I believe that I am capable to take my life back and to create something that will make a difference, your guidance helped me see how I can PRACTICE my Mission.
Looking forward to seeing you again and I give myself the promise you will see the POSITIVE IMPACT your words had on me!
Thank you!”
Monika Zlateva
What part of the course did you find most beneficial? What was the reason you found this element of the course most beneficial?
“I definitely found the mentor coaching sessions extremely beneficial and also real pleasure!
The study buddy goods also played a vital role in the training.”
Ralitsa Gospodinova
“There are thousands of courses and workshops out there and I’ve been to many. However, the support and attitude of Noble Manhattan are something you don’t come across every day. The opportunity to receive training from such a high level is beyond what money can buy. And above all, I think that what really makes difference is that those people really do care.”
Desislava Videnova
Executive & Corporate Coach Diploma Program
You will commence your studies by undertaking a good overview of coaching in the workplace. You will look at methods, models and tools, business coaching, executive coaching, the manager as coach, and team coaching. You will learn a practical step-by-step approach that supports your understanding and development as a coach in the business and corporate environment.In addition you will look at a practical approach to the world of leadership and what it takes to be a competent coach of leaders.

Practitioner Coach Certificate
This is a great course to get you started if you are unable to register for the full Practitioner Coach Diploma.
We’ve taken parts from the main course and created a “first step” into the world of coaching. We wouldn’t say you’d be sufficiently qualified to trade solely as a personal coach but this course is great to learn new skills to take back into the workplace, add on to your existing skills, or to apply to your personal relationships at home.
The course is Long-Distance and takes about 115 hours, depending on your speed of learning and how fast you work will depend on how long it will take to complete. What we usually find is that if someone is doing the course part time they can expect to get the course done in about 4-5 months.
Coaching Masterclass with Supervision
Comprehensive Group Supervision and Mentoring programs DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY for PROFESSIONALS in the Executive and team Coaching Arenas and for those engaged in Individual Coaching
The Coaching MasterClass with Supervision, offered exclusively through Noble Manhattan Coaching, offers group supervision / coach co-training in a collaborative learning environment.
The Coaching MasterClass with Supervision group learning environment allows participants to develop executive master coaching and/or team master coaching skills at an individual pace.
The Coaching MasterClass with Supervision replicates the actual structure and process of real-life coaching for the purposes of individual benefit, efficient team work, goal achievement and problem solving. To ensure accurate representation of the true coaching relationship, classes are offered on a ten day cycle, once a month over a 365-day period.
This program’s comprehensive training, mentoring and learning process is advantageous both personally and professionally, taking into account all prospective executive and team coaching interpersonal boundaries as they occur within a team learning setting.
The Coaching MasterClass with Supervision develops coaching practitioner expertise in three main areas:
- Increased understanding and competencies in individual one-to-one personal coaching
- Core competencies in comprehensive executive coaching, based upon professionalism, creativity and coaching satisfaction
- A deeper understanding of what is needed to enhance sales and marketing, create products, access the most innovative success strategies, develop a keener “business sense”, immerse oneself in today’s networking systems and collaborate with colleagues in an effort to write, get published, etc.

Executive MBA Program
With the Noble Manhattan’s partners of The International Business School (IBD) We can now offer an All new Executive MBA.
This is the Only Executive MBA that has a coaching model included in it.
IBD Executive MBA:
- Programme co-designed with Ashridge Business School and meeting UK business education quality standards
- Flexible study mode, combining bi-monthly intensive residential sessions with advanced e-learning methods
- Embedded in executive development practice of two leading executive development institutions
- Academically rich and practically relevant, informed by applied research and insights from management practitioners
- Taught by world-class faculty
- Delivered entirely in English
Our value proposition
Innovative, rigorous yet practical program, co-designed by a world’s top business school together with Poland’s leading executive development organisation. A program combining flexible study mode with world-class faculty, adhering to highest educational standards.
Contact the IBD for more information.
10 Great Reasons to Join The Alpha Group (TAG)
These are just a few of the top benefits you can get out of your monthly mastermind meetings and your new extended board:
- Enjoy support to help develop and crystallize your company vision.
Brainstorm strategies and sharpen your focus for long-term benefits. Tackle hairy current issues with advice from experienced, like-minded business leaders. Learn new techniques and skills for creative problem-solving leading to a broader perspective. Open your eyes to new alternative management methods. Discover that your issues need not be faced alone and decisions are fully investigated. Revel in your new board of advisors who will become friends and mentors but most importantly, they will hold you accountable. Accept the help you can get to make decisions necessary to lead your business to where you want it. Thrive on renewed optimism and motivation Keep on learning, giving and growing